Traduzca has been operating in the translation and general language services market since 1998.

We bring people and businesses together with our translation solutions. We work with native translators in 26 languages and offer a wide range of language services.

We are at your service to provide the advice and support you need to overcome the language barriers separating you from your goals. We cater to requests for specialized services with quality and experience in sworn translations, simultaneous interpretation, written translations, voiceovers, subtitling and much more.



Satisfy our client, by delivering quality translation and interpretation services with excellent service, advising them in their relationship with the market, and contributing to the recognition of their operations.


To be a benchmark for quality and service, constantly innovating and working with the best practices and technologies, in order to always offer the best to our customers.


Traduzca will accompany your order from start to finish. We have an experienced team of translators, with native professionals in the language you are looking for, which provides faithful renditions for the content that will be translated into one of our 31 languages.


Based on the premise of our commitment to your word, Traduzca’s team of in-house translators provides a variety of services: translations to and from Portuguese, simultaneous translation/conference interpreting, revisions, and transcriptions. Our translators have degrees in Languages or related fields and all have deepened their working knowledge abroad.

Dedication, responsibility and commitment to quality are factors that allow your word to reach a variety of audiences.

Academic knowledge about types of text, the use of translation tools, and the experience of our team, allows us to work on a wide variety of subjects: legal, technical, medical, documents in general, website presentations, advertising materials, and many others. Our commitment to your word means taking your ideas to anywhere in the world.

Traduzca’s Values

  • Commitment to customer results, always observing the agreed upon deadlines and the quality of the service provided.
  • Proactivity, both internally and externally, anticipating the needs of colleagues and customers.
  • Agility, by offering the best solutions in the shortest possible time.
  • Competence to seek the best market practices and assertiveness in everything that is done.
  • Achievement as a daily goal, working with pleasure and joy, and acting as a motivating agent.

Traduzca is ready to serve you.
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